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Well, at the moment I do, but that is only because I was really bad the other day! I suppose I should amend that to "am I the only person on this forum who doesn't normally have a TBR pile? Normally, no, I don't. I got into the habit of only buying 1 book at a time & not buying anything else until that book was read. It originally came as a necessity about 7 years ago & is something I have just carried on doing.

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I'm sure there's at least one other person on this forum who doesn't have a TBR pile, Ceinwenn. My first official one was when I joined the forum actually (which was not long ago, lol), and before that it was just a random list of books so I'd know what I preferred for when I went book shopping.

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Well, at the moment I do, but that is only because I was really bad the other day! I suppose I should amend that to "am I the only person on this forum who doesn't normally have a TBR pile? Normally, no, I don't. I got into the habit of only buying 1 book at a time & not buying anything else until that book was read. It originally came as a necessity about 7 years ago & is something I have just carried on doing.


You are so good! As you can tell I am not so good:)

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Well, at the moment I do, but that is only because I was really bad the other day! I suppose I should amend that to "am I the only person on this forum who doesn't normally have a TBR pile? Normally, no, I don't. I got into the habit of only buying 1 book at a time & not buying anything else until that book was read. It originally came as a necessity about 7 years ago & is something I have just carried on doing.


My TBR list tends to be 1-3 books long, because I'll buy some in the Waterstones offer, read them, then buy 3 more (it is really an expensive habit I should get out of!). But sometimes it's longer because I've been given a book as a present, or because I forgot to bring a book wih me when I go to the gym (I tend to go to the gym then to Starbucks to get some rest and energy before the mile walk home, and I read while I'm there) so pop into somewhere to buy myself something to read.

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I suppose I should amend that to "am I the only person on this forum who doesn't normally have a TBR pile? Normally, no, I don't.

I never used to really, unless it was immediately after Xmas or my birthday, in which case I might have anything up to about a dozen waiting, but that was it. It was only once I joined this forum and started picking up recommendations and challenges that my backlog started growing! Now I have to cull my list every 3 or 4 months of books I'm no longer interested in reading so much or it would be in the thousands by now! As it is, it;s currently sitting at around the 60-ish mark!

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But Kell, do you count your TBR as books you currently own, but haven't read yet, or just books you want to read, and may currently own, or many still need to buy? From what I can gather most people seem to use it as the books they own but have yet to read. If we're counting TBR as wishlist, too, then mine is in the thousands!

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But Kell, do you count your TBR as books you currently own, but haven't read yet, or just books you want to read, and may currently own, or many still need to buy?!

Mount TBR is books in my posession that are waiting to be read for the first time. Any I want to read but don't have in my possession are "wish list". At one point Mount TBR was approaching 200 and it freaked me out somewhat! It was then that I started a regular cull to keep it a little more in check...

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I'm pretty sure it was Enthusiast who said in a post the other day he doesn't have a TBR pile. I could be wrong though and it wasn't him, in which case, appologies Enthusiast.:roll:


That was me alright. ^^ :lol:

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I wish I could be like you Ceinwenn and only have 2 or 3 books waiting to be read but I just can't resist a book shop or charity shop, especially if I spy a book thats on my wishlist! :friends0:


I consider my TBR pile to be books in my possession, on my shelves, waiting to be read (currently30) and my wishlist are books which I would like in my possession, on my shelves, waiting to be read (currently 48)! :eek:

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I have a To Read (Got) list and a Need To Get list - the first is self-explanatory as is the second probably. I choose the word need over want as when it comes to books, they are one and the same for me.:eek: I also have a shocking short term memory, and if I keep the book lists seperate, I know a) what I've got when I'm thinking what I'll read next :friends0: what I still have left to get, especially if they're books by authors that I have quite a lot of books by. I'm ok remembering the books I've read by a particular author, but when I'm in a shop/on the internet, it always escapes me which books I've got and not yet read and which books I still want to get. Works for me!:lol:

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I got into the habit of only buying 1 book at a time & not buying anything else until that book was read.


Wow. I wish I had the will power to do that.


From what I can gather most people seem to use it as the books they own but have yet to read. If we're counting TBR as wishlist, too, then mine is in the thousands!


:friends0: I count my TBR as books that I own but haven't read yet.


I've had a TBR pile of some magnitude for years. There's always at least several books I have waiting. And that's at the very least. As you can see, mine's quite big at the moment! :eek:

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Until I joined the forum I never really bothered to make a TBR list. Most of the times I'd finish a book then look randomly in the shelve and see what would catch my eye. Then I got the account here and I liked the idea a lot :eek:

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