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Big Brother 9


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Oh for goodness sake! Watching Big Brother is a bit of fun and doesn't make me any less of a person because I decide to watch it.... :friends0:


I agree - its a bit of fun! Id rather watch BB than Coronation Street or Eastenders where the death of babies and other such torment seem to pass for family veiwing - not my idea of entertainment!

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I agree - its a bit of fun! Id rather watch BB than Coronation Street or Eastenders where the death of babies and other such torment seem to pass for family veiwing - not my idea of entertainment!


I don't watch those either for the same reasons. They present a view of families where screaming at each other is the norm and sadly the viewers take that on board. Overall society is worse for it.


There was a time when "Corrie" was witty and worthy, but that was probably 20 years ago. Remember Fred Gee & his syrup? Or Jack Duckworth when joined a singles club? Now it's as Spooncat says. The more shocking and horrible the better to catch viewers.

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I for one can't wait. If 15 (or so) people are willing to humiliate themselves on TV for my entertainment, I will watch.


I don't read celeb magazines, I'm not remotely interested in celebrities and what they are getting up to. I'm especially not interested in any of the BB eejits that try to catapult themselves into the limelight once leaving the house, with their kiss and tell stories and semi naked photo shoots. I will, however, watch them dress up like chickens and nurse eggs or sit in cardboard boxes for several hours. Very funny IMO.

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I hate all programs like Big Brother with passion, and I cannot stand them at all. I mean, why would I want to watch trivial people who can do nothing else but to make idiots out of themselves? And before you all attack me that I'm talking about something I don't know anything about, I have been forced to watch few episodes (of the Finnish version) by my friends. So I know. And I think it's programs like this that are ruining the societies and making people even more stupid.

I SOOOOOO agree with you!!!

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Guest Sedgewick

What a bunch of numpties. That chubby girl has issues. She was practically wetting herself when she saw one of the guys had slippers on. And then did wet herself when the Thai girl said there were cookies in her jar.

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ahh I watched it which means I'm going to be hooked!:lol: interesting that they have two immigrants and at least one who is against immigrants - will be interesting to see if they can keep up the cover of being a couple - Mario and I cant even remember her name already:irked: also loving the cookie woman

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And then did wet herself when the Thai girl said there were cookies in her jar.


Missed that bit :lol: I hear a rumour there's going to be a wedding soon.


Oh shucks looks like I'm hooked :lol: :lol:

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That's right Laura, it was Ant and Dec. He was pulled out of the audience as a Joey lookalike and was signing autographs and stuff when he was being secretly filmed.


Well done Laura, that was bugging me!


EDIT: He was also in Brits behind bars which I also watched.

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