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Your Book Activity - March 2015


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I've read a bit more of Insurgent.

Oh goody.  How long has it been since you read Divergent?  Have you seen the movie and do you plan on seeing Insurgent?  It's out here on the 20th.


I'm not reading any book at the moment, but I did go to the library and received my free copy of Te Gek Voor Woorden, a booklet specifically written in honour of the 80th Book Week in the Netherlands for all libraries to give to their members. It contains short autobiographical pieces written by authors for this occasion, with a theme things that we are normally quiet about (such as mental illness). I look forward to read this, I hope it will be interesting. I also received a free magazine, written for the 80th Book Week. I love that I can get these things now that I'm a member of the library :).

:exc: for free stuff!  That is way cool that there is a Book Week celebration!  I hope the autobiographical pieces will be interesting!

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In the novel. I was wondering if it ended in a way that might make one think there would be another book. :) I guess not, though!


Ah, okay. No, there was nothing like that. But then again, there was nothing like that in The Rosie Project, either. So here's hoping :D (I did see on his website that Graeme Simsion is writing a novel at the moment but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Don. :shrug:)

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Oh goody.  How long has it been since you read Divergent?  Have you seen the movie and do you plan on seeing Insurgent?  It's out here on the 20th.


It's been two years since I read Divergent. I just watched the movie a couple of nights ago, which is what inspired me to start Insurgent. :) I'm really glad I watched the movie because it refreshed my memory nicely for Insurgent. I definitely plan to see Insurgent, but I might wait until it's on DVD or TV. Going to the cinema is so expensive these days, and I need to save my dollars.

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I finished the novella The Sense Of An Ending by Julian Barnes. Bit of a slow burner and a dense read, but beautifully written with many passages now highlighted for me to revist. Will review it properly tomorrow.


I've gotten a bunch of YA books, including We Were Liars, The Sky Is Everywhere and Only Ever Yours, and am continuing slowly with World After.

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It's been two years since I read Divergent. I just watched the movie a couple of nights ago, which is what inspired me to start Insurgent. :) I'm really glad I watched the movie because it refreshed my memory nicely for Insurgent. I definitely plan to see Insurgent, but I might wait until it's on DVD or TV. Going to the cinema is so expensive these days, and I need to save my dollars.

The trailers for it look...interesting.  I wasn't a big fan of the movie, but my mom was and she is really looking forward to Insurgent :shrug: so we will probably see it in theaters.  But I agree, it is a treat to go, it is pricey here too. 

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I think I'm going to have to take a break from This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate, as I'm starting to miss reading a good novel. It's a bit heavy going, and it's all I have read in the past couple of weeks (maybe longer :thud:), so I'm going to pick up a fiction, before I get back to it. I'm going with Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. I don't actually know anything about it, and I'm not going to read the synopsis, so it will be a surprise. :boogie:

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I started reading My Fat, Mad Teenage Diary by Rae Earl. I couldn't get into it the last time because the TV series was weighing too heavily on my mind and some things weren't the same in the book. I had to have this few months to mull it over and start again :D 

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I'm currently not reading any book, but the next book I read will be Francine Oomen - Hoe Overleef Ik... 13: Hoe Overleef Ik Mijn Vader? (En Hij Mij!), the last book in the HOI series that I borrowed from the library and is due soon.

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I read a large chunk of Insurgent last night and today, and I'm now over halfway through it.


I also received a book in the mail. :)

That's great, are you enjoying it?


You can't just post that, without telling us which book it is :P. Is it one of the ones you recently ordered?

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Yes, I'm enjoying it. :)


Oops! I meant to head straight over to my thread to write about the new book there (just so I don't repeat myself, and I prefer to have notes about my new acquisitions in my book thread). I'll go and do it now. :)

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Yes, I'm enjoying it. :)


Oops! I meant to head straight over to my thread to write about the new book there (just so I don't repeat myself, and I prefer to have notes about my new acquisitions in my book thread). I'll go and do it now. :)

Ah good! Do you plan to read Allegiant once you're finished, to finish off the trilogy?


No problem, I found it now :)! It makes a lot of sense you'd want that in your thread, I was just a bit disappointed to read that and then not find anything in your thread, I had to know what you got :D.

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I completely understand, Gaia. :friends3:  I hate it when BCFer's leave me hanging about books they've bought (like when you go to the book fair!). I didn't mean to be a tease, really! :D


Yes, I think I'll read Allegiant as soon as I finish Insurgent. I left it too long between the first and second books and I'm having a bit of trouble telling the characters apart and remembering who comes from what faction.

It was easy when they were all split into factions, but now that they're mingling and moving from place to place...!


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Dang, am starting my new 6 month internship (medical biology studies, department of orthopedics at local academic hospital) tomorrow so think the next few weeks my reading will be focussed on scientific papers.. Just downloaded the first one "Repair of dense connective tissues via biomaterial-mediated matrix reprogramming of the wound interface".. yeah.


But maybe I'll start Stephen Baxter's Ultima tonight, make a start.

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I completely understand, Gaia. :friends3:  I hate it when BCFer's leave me hanging about books they've bought (like when you go to the book fair!). I didn't mean to be a tease, really! :D


Yes, I think I'll read Allegiant as soon as I finish Insurgent. I left it too long between the first and second books and I'm having a bit of trouble telling the characters apart and remembering who comes from what faction.

Your spoiler makes a lot of sense! I think it'll be helpful to read Allegiant soon after Insurgent. I read all three books in the same week so I didn't have your problem but I can imagine it'd be much more confusing if it's been a while :)


Dang, am starting my new 6 month internship (medical biology studies, department of orthopedics at local academic hospital) tomorrow so think the next few weeks my reading will be focussed on scientific papers.. Just downloaded the first one "Repair of dense connective tissues via biomaterial-mediated matrix reprogramming of the wound interface".. yeah.


But maybe I'll start Stephen Baxter's Ultima tonight, make a start.

Good luck!! Reading scientific papers is very different than reading a fun, fictional story, in my opinion. It always took me a lot longer to read a scientific paper, and some sentences and parts require re-reading because I didn't totally grasp it the first time around. I hope your internship goes well :)!


I hope you enjoy Ultima, I haven't heard of it, but according to Wikipedia is a newer book so maybe that's why. I intend to try one of Baxter's books some time, I have a few of them on my shelf.

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I'm about halfway through The Dynamite Room, I have little to no reading time at the moment so not enjoying it as much as I think I otherwise would.


Oh, sorry to hear that Hayley.  Life is a pain in the neck at times, getting in the way of reading time, isn't it?


I finished The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place today, and after catching up here, it seems like The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde will be my next read. :)

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Recently started a new book (last night). Jodi Picoult again  :smile:


This one is called Change of Heart and it's about a murderer on death row for killing a little girl and her dad. 

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I'm now 150 pages into The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.


Very much enjoying the read but for the fact he repeatedly calls homosexuality a perversion and lists it alongside ex-convicts as moral attributes overlooked by Hitler for party figures. I know it was published in 1960 but still - very distressing to read from a figure purporting to hold supreme authority on horrors of Nazism - which did include persecution of homosexuals.

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I'm now 150 pages into The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.


Very much enjoying the read but for the fact he repeatedly calls homosexuality a perversion and lists it alongside ex-convicts as moral attributes overlooked by Hitler for party figures. I know it was published in 1960 but still - very distressing to read from a figure purporting to hold supreme authority on horrors of Nazism - which did include persecution of homosexuals.


Maybe he was referring to Nazism viewing it as a perversion? Or he's just someone that was conservative in the 1960s when even being black was viewed as "wrong". :shrug: 


Either way this book sounds good. I think I have intended on reading it at some point but I'm not sure. It's always good to read about history  :smile:

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