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Your Book Activity - March 2015


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Being locked in a body you can't control... the flip side of zombie horror is my next read with Hugh Howey's I, Zombie.  Pretty gross so far :P

I hope you like it :).


I finished Four Children and It by Jacqueline Wilson yesterday evening, but I'm going to try not to start another book yet (if I can, otherwise I'll pick a very short one I know I can finish quickly) because my boyfriend will be coming home later today and I'd rather spend a lot of time with him in the next few days, so I don't want to be in the middle of a book or I might forget what it was about. I always tried to not be in the middle of a book when he arrived, in the past. Depending on how he feels though I might start another library loan in one of the next few days at least.

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Ooh .. I'm slightly disappointed to hear they're not back at Deepdean 


Slightly worrying: I misread that as 'Deep pan' when I first looked at it - I must be suffering from pizza withdrawal symptoms :unsure:  :blush2:  :giggle2:



Made a start on The Nutmeg of Consolation this morning, the 14th 'Aubrey/Maturin' novel :exc:   :D

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Slightly worrying: I misread that as 'Deep pan' when I first looked at it - I must be suffering from pizza withdrawal symptoms :unsure:  :blush2:  :giggle2:

:DI kept tripping over it when reading  :D

Made a start on The Nutmeg of Consolation this morning, the 14th 'Aubrey/Maturin' novel :exc:   :D

What a great title .. hope you enjoy :) 


Started The Apple Tart of Hope by Sarah Moore Fitzgerald and loving it so far. Also read a few chapters of The Hourglass Factory by Lucy Ribchester and that is going well too :) 

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I just finished The Psychopath Test. Brilliant stuff!

Hurrah! :smile2: (I confess: I went to the library yesterday to read my book and while I was there, I checked if they had their copy of TPT there and yep, there it was, so I borrowed it. I might not be able to read it now what with all the other books I need to read, but it's here :giggle:)


Not to mention that I think I might have accidentally bought a second copy of this book at some stage, so I probably talked about buying it twice.  Maybe you registered the second discussion as me reading it!

That might well be! If you're confused about which books you already own and buy duplicate copies, it's only fair I sometimes make the mistake of assuming you've read some of them :giggle2::D



I don't usually like to read an author's books one after another for some reason. This is why I have so many series that I've started reading but haven't finished. And then of course I take such a long time between books that I forget what happens in between. But that's getting off topic a bit. I find Ronson to be so engaging and easy to read that I am actually tempted to start another one of his books immediately...that's how good he is!


I have 5 more of his books on my TBR pile, so it's a good thing I enjoyed TPT! I might read The Men Who Stare at Goats next, because that's the first one of his that I bought.

But that was exactly my point :D I knew you weren't one to usually read the same author's books back to back, but you liking TPT so much, I thought you might actually want to start another one of his anyways. :smile2:



Ooh .. I'm slightly disappointed to hear they're not back at Deepdean (will they be going back do you think?) .. still I'm encouraged to hear that it's just as good. Perhaps there was a limit to how many murders/mysteries etc could feasibly take place at the school. I loved it though .. like Malory Towers but with murder! 

All they needed was to give Darrell another year at MT and surely she would've slapped someone to death. That would've resulted in a murder investigation.


Poppyshake and chesilbeach, you talking about Murder Most Unladylike has prompted me to check the book on Amazon and then the southern libraries to see if there are any copies :D No luck, but the series is going on my wishlist :D


As for my reading activities, I read more of The Rosie Effect last night in bed, I'm on page 284 at the moment. I don't want the book to end!

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I started Clean Break by Jacqueline Wilson, another library loan I need to finish. After I finish all my current loans I plan to take a little break from the library and read some of my own books :). It's difficult though because I find it very tempting to borrow more books all the time :P.

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Oh dear....I only meant to look/browse in the charity shop, but found 'The Silent Sister' by Diane Chamberlain....I couldn't leave on the shelf could I...! ;)

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Matt Haig's new book is out today, I pre-ordered it and its already on my Kindle.  Might start it today.

Oh I hope that you like this one! I will get mine in 3 weeks at the book signing *mentally jumps up and down*

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I started Clean Break by Jacqueline Wilson, another library loan I need to finish. After I finish all my current loans I plan to take a little break from the library and read some of my own books :). It's difficult though because I find it very tempting to borrow more books all the time :P.


I have the same problem. I buy books and then I tell myself I'm going to save them for a special time. So then I go to the library and check out books over and over. Sometimes I have to tell myself to read one of my books instead of going to the library. 



As for my book activity, I read Common Sense in a few hours yesterday because it was only like 120 pages. Now I'm about halfway through The Kite Runner and it is really great.  :D

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Oh dear....I only meant to look/browse in the charity shop, but found 'The Silent Sister' by Diane Chamberlain....I couldn't leave on the shelf could I...! ;)

I hope you enjoy this one, I liked it :)


I have the same problem. I buy books and then I tell myself I'm going to save them for a special time. So then I go to the library and check out books over and over. Sometimes I have to tell myself to read one of my books instead of going to the library.

It's nice we have this in common :).


Just about to start 'Love Anthony' by Lisa Genova

I hope you enjoy this book :). I bought it based on a recommendation from someone on this forum, though I can't remember 100% now who it was :blush2:. I haven't yet read the book, though it's on the shelf near my computer so I might get around to it later this year :blush2:.

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Finished Stephen Baxter's Proxima.. well. Hmm. Nice idea but I skipped so many parts. And the ending, ugh, talk about a nonsense cliffhanger! Darn...  No, not a great read. Entertaining enough, but too much drama, too little about the sci-fi bit.

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One week in, and just started Book Three of Middlemarch, so just over a quarter of the way through.  The core of the narrative is highly readable, whilst some of Eliot's digressions and commentaries are nigh on impenetrable in places.  I suspect it's simply that it's been written for an audience with a completely different conceptual and educational background.  Anyway, these moments aside, it's engrossing.

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I finally finished The Rosie Effect. I was sad for it to end, but at the same time I'm happy to start a new novel again! 


Is there any indication that there will be a third book?


I've read a bit more of Insurgent.

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I'm not reading any book at the moment, but I did go to the library and received my free copy of Te Gek Voor Woorden, a booklet specifically written in honour of the 80th Book Week in the Netherlands for all libraries to give to their members. It contains short autobiographical pieces written by authors for this occasion, with a theme things that we are normally quiet about (such as mental illness). I look forward to read this, I hope it will be interesting. I also received a free magazine, written for the 80th Book Week. I love that I can get these things now that I'm a member of the library :).

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