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Bobblybear's Book List - 2013


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I've heard the name floating around (everyone seems to be reading it, or have read it) but this is actually the first review I've read. Definitely not at all what I expected! I may have to look into it a little more. :)

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It sounds pretty interesting! I'm glad you enjoyed re-reading it :). What time does the book take place in (ie. the college part)?


Actually, that's something that I wondered about while I was reading it, as it was never specified (or at least I can't recall!). The way it was written, it was quite difficult to pinpoint a time, but I'm thinking reasonably modern times, maybe 1980's? Or actually it could even be much earlier. There was no mention of internet or email, or mobile phones. I might ask this in the Reading Circle thread to see if anyone else has any idea. :blink:


I've heard the name floating around (everyone seems to be reading it, or have read it) but this is actually the first review I've read. Definitely not at all what I expected! I may have to look into it a little more. :)


It's well worth a read. You've probably heard it mentioned a lot recently because it's this month's Reading Circle book. :smile:


That was a great review :smile: , and I have a gnawing feeling that I have a copy somewhere..... :blush2:  


Thanks, Marie! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, if/when you get around to reading it.

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Last review of 2013! :boogie:
Inferno - Dan Brown

Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital, with no memory of where he is or how he got there. Shortly after awakening, an attempt is made on his life, and a young female doctor (Sienna) helps him escape. Whilst hiding out at Sienna’s apartment, he finds a cylinder sewn into his jacket; the cylinder contains a modified image of Botticelli’s ‘Map of Hell’ based on Dante’s Inferno. Langdon (with the help of Sienna, of course!) must work quickly to decipher the image, whilst outrunning and outsmarting the people trying to kill him.

I read this one straight after The Secret History, and perhaps because that one was so good I could see how this one was so poor. It’s very fast paced, with plenty of twists and turns, but ultimately quite silly, and quite forgettable. The character of Sienna was so one-dimensional and corny and cliched (beautiful, with an off-the-charts IQ, yet troubled - due to her sheer brilliance) it was rather embarrassing to read. I know he's an easy target, but the quality of Brown's writing is quite poor, something I have never actually noticed until now.

I did enjoy the beginning of the book, but as things went on, it just got more far-fetched and outlandish...I would have preferred it to be toned down a notch and hence more plausible. Not a total loss though - I can be thankful to the book/author for making me aware of such a thing as 'Death Masks' which led to a very fascinating internet session!


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All great reviews, BB.  I've read one of Dan Brown's...whatever the first one is.  Yes, I read it all the way through.  /she exclaimed in a martyred tone/  Didn't see a thing to it.  Lousy writing coupled with a story line that I simply could not swallow. I know a lot of people like his stories, but to each their own kettle of fish, I say. :)

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Sorry to hear you didn't like Inferno, nice review though :). I don't have Inferno but have some of his earlier works on my TBR. Congrats on writing the final review of books you read in 2013 :)!

Edited by Athena
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The characters were all pretty hideous, aside from Maureen who really did have a rough deal in life. Quite frankly the rest of them could have jumped, and they wouldn’t be much missed in the world. :blush2: 

:yeahthat: This!   This is exactly how I felt about it!  :giggle2:  I'm very impressed you made it to the end!

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I gave it 2/6 so I must have been feeling generous. :D


I've just skimmed through this thread. It's quite interesting reading my reviews a year or so later. Some books I can barely remember reading. I certainly have strong feelings about some of them. :giggle2:

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