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Frankie reads 2013


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Frankie, Steve grew up with a West Highland Terrier and has always liked dogs, he's not into the training side of things like me so I take care of most of that, he enjoys the walking and the snuggling! :D 


Regarding the allergy, I have a friend who not only has her own dogs, Lagotto's and Bichon Frise, but she is also a dog walker and trainer.  There are many breeds that are non-allergenic, I suppose it depends on what you like though.  There are a number of websites that list non-allergenic breeds but make sure you cross reference them though as I don't think you can rely on them entirely judging by a few breeds I saw on the lists.  Also, be careful with 'designer breeds' like the Labradoodle (do you have them in Finland?) They were originally bred for a blind person who wanted a guide dog but had allergies like you  They bred a Labrador to a Standard Poodle and out of a litter of 7 only 3 were non allergenic.. This should improve with each generation, the purer they get, but I think it would take many generations to become a surety. 

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Congratulations on your new job, frankie!


Like you, I'm allergic to dogs (although not as much as I am to cats) but I dream one day of having my own.  All my dad's family had dogs, but my mum always said they made too much mess, so even if I hadn't been allergic, we'd never have had one.  I loved going to visit my grandparents or my auntie when I was little, and would just lavish affection on the dogs, and wouldn't care if I had an itchy nose, runny eyes or started wheezing.  Maybe one day ... :wub:

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Okay, this is again not to do with books... but it's brilliant news and it's taking the gloom away from my coming autumn and I wanted to share it with you guys: I got the translating job, it's a work practice thing, and I've got it for a month (and if I do a good job, they might extend my position for a longer period). And the pay is absolutely ridiculous for someone without any work experience for this kind of job. I'm over the moon, and I still can't quite possibly believe it's true.


Oh Happy, Happy Days!!  I'm so happy for you frankie!     :day:   :cool:


You'll do fine, I just know it.   :doowapstart:  :balloons:

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Thanks everyone for the congrats, I'm still over the moon about it! :D


Although I have to say, I didn't really do anything to deserve the spot. My friend who works at the place just came to it on her own that they really need a translator, and she thought of me, and when I said I'd be up for it, she worked it all out by herself. I didn't have to send anything in: no CV, no application, no student credits sheet, no nothing! So it's really all thanks to her. Now I'll just have to go in and do the best I can. It'll be an 'internship' so they're not even expecting that much. I'm not sure if I can get an extension, but I know that with the one month's pay I'll be financially secure for the rest of the year and that's a huge load off my back :yes: Happy times!!!


Miss Poppy

If you put a pig in the attic and he turned into HAM, you could use him for your holiday dinner later this year . Sorta like killing 2 birds with one stone .


( Or one pig with high heat  . Leave the iron on and he will cook up a bit quicker )  




Yum!  :character0104:



:o Surely you wouldn't eat poppyshake's pet pig? Kylie, how'd you like it if poppyshake came around, and put Jasper in the oven and then stood there drooling and waiting... :o



Also I LOVE those pigs. How cool that they get a whole Caribbean island to themselves. Lucky lucky pigs!


Yeah, lucky pigs! Lucky and happy :D



Edit: Just noticed - this is my 2,000th post! :thud:


Congratulations, bobbly, on the 2,000th post!! :friends3::e010:


Just on the subject of pigs my boyfriend and I live on a pig farm and we currently have 1400 little ones :P


1400 piggies? :D I bet you haven't got names for them all... It would be difficult to remember! And say good night to them, one by one...


Frankie, Steve grew up with a West Highland Terrier and has always liked dogs, he's not into the training side of things like me so I take care of most of that, he enjoys the walking and the snuggling! :D


Well that's a good thing, otherwise I bet you would've had some serious doubts about going steady with him :D


Regarding the allergy, I have a friend who not only has her own dogs, Lagotto's and Bichon Frise, but she is also a dog walker and trainer.  There are many breeds that are non-allergenic, I suppose it depends on what you like though.  There are a number of websites that list non-allergenic breeds but make sure you cross reference them though as I don't think you can rely on them entirely judging by a few breeds I saw on the lists.  Also, be careful with 'designer breeds' like the Labradoodle (do you have them in Finland?) They were originally bred for a blind person who wanted a guide dog but had allergies like you  They bred a Labrador to a Standard Poodle and out of a litter of 7 only 3 were non allergenic.. This should improve with each generation, the purer they get, but I think it would take many generations to become a surety. 


I don't like Bichon Frisees or any of those 'small cute' dogs, but I have been considering Lagottos :yes: They aren't as 'cutesy' and I don't think they have attitudes... :blush::giggle2:


Like you, I'm allergic to dogs (although not as much as I am to cats) but I dream one day of having my own.  All my dad's family had dogs, but my mum always said they made too much mess, so even if I hadn't been allergic, we'd never have had one.  I loved going to visit my grandparents or my auntie when I was little, and would just lavish affection on the dogs, and wouldn't care if I had an itchy nose, runny eyes or started wheezing.  Maybe one day ... :wub:


I hope one day you'll be able to get a dog. You should look into the non-allergenic breeds, just like chalie suggested :) The more I've talked about my allergies with friends who have dogs, the more I hear stories about people who've gotten some non-allergenic breed dog, and my cousin whose rotties I went to see at the dogs show, she said her husband's allergic, but he just sucks on his asthma pipe every now and then and is fine... :lol:


I love the pig pictures. Finding random things like that on the internet always makes my day :D


I know, Internet randomness is fun fun fun! :D



On another note: my Internet connection's been down for the last two days and I only got the connection back an hour ago. I missed my music, and I missed this place :D Well I have to say that at least I got a decent amount of housework done: laundry, vacuuming, and the dishes :giggle2:  I also started re-watching Criminal Minds from season 1.


I thought what with the new job, my mojo would come back because I now don't have to worry about money, but I was wrong: I still can't read any fiction. I did start reading a non-fiction book, Dialogues with Mothers and I've gotten really into it and only have about 60 pages left. It's been good. Dated, yes, but interesting.



Oh. And I did buy a book yesterday. I was out with a friend and we popped into the Red Cross charityshop and I found an English copy of Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, and I couldn't leave it behind. I've been wanting to read Rushdie since 2010 and as it was an English copy (and cheap, and it was for charity), I think I was okay to buy it :yes:

Edited by frankie
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If you do want to find out more about Lagotto's let me know as I know my friend has contacts all over for them (no guarantees for Finland obviously) but I'm sure if there is someone there she will be able to find out.. :) What about Standard Poodles? They are fabulous working dogs and do not need a silly show cut. Some of the Terriers are great too (I have a soft spot for the Irish as they have less attitude than some of the others). Also the Standard Schnauzers could be an option, my friend has a black one and he has a great character. :)

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If you do want to find out more about Lagotto's let me know as I know my friend has contacts all over for them (no guarantees for Finland obviously) but I'm sure if there is someone there she will be able to find out.. :) What about Standard Poodles? They are fabulous working dogs and do not need a silly show cut. Some of the Terriers are great too (I have a soft spot for the Irish as they have less attitude than some of the others). Also the Standard Schnauzers could be an option, my friend has a black one and he has a great character. :)


Thanks chalie, you're so nice! :flowers2:  My friend's cousin just got a Lagotto this spring so I think I could get into contact with people with Lagottos through her :yes:


I'm not a huge fan of poodles, either, unfortunately. I've only known one poodle but I really didn't like him, and eventhough I know they're not all the same, it's just a breed that doesn't personally interest me. I'm not big on Terriers or Schnauzers, either. Which is really a shame because it's not like I have a lot of options!! :rolleyes: I might get along with a Jack Russell, though... I wasn't a bit fan of those in the past, but then one of my friends married a man with a Jack Russell and I just adore her, she's great! :smile2: And I think she's quite taken to me, too.


But these things will take time... I first one to be financially stable. I want to know that if something happens, I would have money to pay the vet bills and stuff. Heck, I want to have money to feed them first, too! :)

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Oh. And I did buy a book yesterday. I was out with a friend and we popped into the Red Cross charityshop and I found an English copy of Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, and I couldn't leave it behind. I've been wanting to read Rushdie since 2010 and as it was an English copy (and cheap, and it was for charity), I think I was okay to buy it :yes:

I think that was definitely the right thing to do  :D I want to read it too someday .. though I might wait to see what you make of it first :)


:o Surely you wouldn't eat poppyshake's pet pig? Kylie, how'd you like it if poppyshake came around, and put Jasper in the oven and then stood there drooling and waiting... :o

mmmm .. Jasper on toast lick-lips.gif

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I think that was definitely the right thing to do  :D I want to read it too someday .. though I might wait to see what you make of it first :)


We'll see who gets to it first :D I guess we've been doing guineapigging for each other on a rather fair, 50-50 basis so far :)


mmmm .. Jasper on toast lick-lips.gif



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:o Surely you wouldn't eat poppyshake's pet pig? Kylie, how'd you like it if poppyshake came around, and put Jasper in the oven and then stood there drooling and waiting... :o


mmmm .. Jasper on toast lick-lips.gif


:wibbly:  :wibbly:  :wibbly:


But...but...I just meant that if Poppyshake left the piggy in the attic and it turned into a ham, then I would just help to dispose of the body!


Jasper is a totally different kettle of fish (so to speak)! I bet he wouldn't taste anywhere near as good as bacon.


Excuse me for a moment. I have an overwhelming desire to go and hug my kitty... :wibbly:.



I was out with a friend and we popped into the Red Cross charityshop and I found an English copy of Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, and I couldn't leave it behind. I've been wanting to read Rushdie since 2010 and as it was an English copy (and cheap, and it was for charity), I think I was okay to buy it :yes:



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I'm not sure if I can get an extension, but I know that with the one month's pay I'll be financially secure for the rest of the year and that's a huge load off my back :yes: Happy times!!!


Does that include book allowance? If so i'm very jealous! Sounds like a brilliant opportunity and great experience if nothing else :D

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Does that include book allowance? If so i'm very jealous! Sounds like a brilliant opportunity and great experience if nothing else :D


What, do they give book allowances, too, these days? :o Or is that only in the UK... If so, I must move :D


Congrats Frankie :D :D :D



Congratulations on the job Frankie! Super happy for you :D


Thanks gals! :D



I just checked my goodreads account and I'm 11 books behind on this year's reading challenge :rolleyes: I think it's the worst since I started doing the challenge on GR... But there's no helping it :shrug:


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I wish! No, I mean your personal money to spend on books. Which for many on here is quite substantial.



I was only kidding :D Yes I think I could buy a few books... But what with my lack of mojo, there's really no big idea in buying more when I can't seem to get anything read these days :(:rolleyes: *rants!*



I know what you mean about being behind on your year's book numbers. I'm in the same boat . Gonna have to speed it up or I won't make it for this year .


Yeah we have to switch gears, do a little speeding! :drive1:   Outta the way, we're coming! :D



A friend of mine showed me this today (17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand), I have to share :D  I love number 17. 'Ex-cuuuuse me??' :D



Edit: I'm racking my brain now, trying to remember which TV show or movie the scene on number 8 is from.

Edit2: Oh man I just remembered and I'm so embarrassed to know it! :blush: (It's from Dance Moms)

Edited by frankie
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