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Devi's Mount TBR List 2014


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Those shelves are so lovely and deep - I'd be double-stacking on them, I know I would :lol:




I can't bring myself to double stack! i want to be able to show off all my books to anyone willing to look. :giggle2: I do have books that are series related lying on top of the the books though, probably too hard to see in the picture though.



Beautiful pics of your bookshelves. I love your house --it looks very cozy ,like a "content" place to live. Good vibes ...


The old antique buffet is beautiful .We had one in our dining room when I was a kid,and they called it a chiffarobe, I think .. I think it's used to store extra dishes, table linens,etc ..at least thats what we used it for . I'd love to have one now !


The older I get the more I like antique stuff . - sorry I had to cull some emoticons!


What is the name of your oldest book and where did you get it ,was it passed down in your family ?


It can be. It has it's problems, like no insulation in the walls, - it's something they never did when it was built - so can be hard to keep hot or cold on extreme days. It has an interesting history. It was used to house army officer families during the second world war, my town had a military training camp and housed mainly American soldiers. When the camp closed the house was cut in two and placed where it now sits. It had carpet in it when we moved in, and decided to rip it up. When we did we found the floorboards underneath! Was a nice surprise.


That's what my mum said they used it for, the buffet is made from a wood you can no longer get which makes it all the more special.


The book, I did have it written down but I seem to have lost the piece of paper, so I will go through them again and get back to you. Yes, all those books belonged to various people in the family. I have the family bible thats very old too, has the previous relatives names written on the inside of the cover, so you can see who had it. Five generations so far!



Gorgeous shelves Devi!

Those are beautiful pictures, I love your antique buffet :).


Thank you! :D


Love your shelves Devi :) everything so neat and ordered. Your SF/Fantasy shelves are particularly stunning .. I like the series that spells out Dark Tower .. I have no idea what they are but they look amazing.


Yep, that's my ocd side! :giggle2: The Dark Tower books are the Stephen King series.


Great shelves Devi! Looks like you have lots of good books to get around to reading! :)


I've read most of the books on my SF/Fantasy shelf! That was long before I joined the forum though. I want to reread some in the future though. There are a few I've read on the non fiction shelf too. The fiction shelves are the daunting ones! Lots I need to read on there :giggle2:

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I can't bring myself to double stack! i want to be able to show off all my books to anyone willing to look. :giggle2: I do have books that are series related lying on top of the the books though, probably too hard to see in the picture though.


I am the same but if you are anything like me you will run out of space and have to eventually. :empathy:

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I am the same but if you are anything like me you will run out of space and have to eventually. :empathy:


:o No no no don't say such a thing! You will give me nightmares :hide:



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What is the name of your oldest book and where did you get it ,was it passed down in your family ?


So I went through my old books again, and the two oldest are:


A Safety Match - Ian Hay - written 1913

Power Lot - Sarah P. McLean Greene - written 1906


There are a couple of others that are not dated, so they could be just as old, if not older.

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Wonderful shelves, Devi! Thanks for posting. I love that you have some books out on 'display'. :)


Thanks :) I intend to add a couple of more shelves down the track, so I am not quite done yet! :giggle2:


Wow, Devi

You definitely do have a few antique books ! I bet they smell so neat-- love the smell of really old books ..


I love the smell of them too! They also have a different feel to them, they feel old - I know that sounds weird.

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Look at what my boyfriend just ordered me! :D :D :D A little present for todays doctor visit (see doctor's pin cushion thread).



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I'm nearly finished with A Tenderness of Wolves and I am already looking at my next read. I've gone and picked three books off the shelf


The Stand - Stephen King

Eye of the World - Robert Jordan

The Colditz Story - P.R. Reid


I'm going to take note from another forum member (sorry I don't remember who! :blush:), and let you guys vote for what I should read next!  :D

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Haha, The Stand it is! :)


I just hope I can remember everything I've read as I go along...

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A Tenderness of Wolves - Stef Penney


Thoughts are in the reading circle here - http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/11145-the-tenderness-of-wolves-by-stef-penney/?p=332045


I don't think I should give this book a rating, as I am unsure on how I feel about it exactly. On goodreads I gave it three stars because I basically had to give it a rating having read it. I don't like some parts of the book, but I don't dislike other parts of it either. So conflicted with my feelings on it.

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Change of plans - The edition of The Stand that I own is too big for me to hold in my hands :( so I may have to look at getting an ebook version of it.


So instead I am going to read The Eye of the World - the first book in the The Wheel of Time series.

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Books attained this week:


Local Giveaway:


Arctic Floor - Mark Aitken

Mad Men, Bad Girls - Maggie Groff

Legend - Marie Lu


Book(s) Bought:


The Stand - Stephen King - ebook to replace tree book.

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I picked up a couple of signed editions in BD's latest book sale, a little bummed that I missed out on most of what was available. :(


I also got four, yes that's right, four 10% off my cart discounts thanks to BD being not able to find six of my 'notify me' books. I've already started browsing!!! :giggle2:

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Currently reading 3 books at once! A first for me.



I'm also revamping my lists, so look out for that soon!



Oh and I just bought this gorgeous looking book on BD!






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