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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. They said that because I caught a virus, my antibodies decided to attack my optic nerve at the same time as it. The worst bit at the moment is the waiting to see how much sight I will get back. :(

  2. I haven't been around lately as I went blind in one eye. The hospital have said it's an enlarged optic nerve and I have to wait and see how much sight I will get back. Fortunately I'm now over the worst of the headaches and I'm not going to let only having one working eye stop me from reading!

  3. Real name:




    Your detective name: Main character's last name of the book you're reading and your birth month


    Ash August


    Your soap opera name: middle name and name of your first best friend


    Rose Dylan


    Your star wars name: first three letters of last name, first two of middle name




    Your Superhero name: color of your shirt and the weather outside


    Gray Drizzle


    Your Rockstar name: Your favorite color and favourite animal


    Purple Cat


  4. I'm still not sure what to start reading, I really want to start The Twelve by Justin Cronin because Mac told me how good it is and I've read the synopsis to remind myself and everything but it's too big to fit in my handbag for my commit so I need something to read that is a small book and I just can't decide!

  5. I agree to a point that parents should be able to see when a book contains swearing and sexual content but I remember when I was a teenager and I would spend a lot of time trying to watch 18 certificate films. I think if I had seen a book that told me it contained explicit content it would have just made me more determined to read it!

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