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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. About One Hundred Yeats of Solitude - I did enjoy it but I think if I hadn't read it quickly I would have been lost!


    I really annoyed myself yesterday because I managed to leave my book at work so I'm going to have to start reading another one and then go back to the one I left when I finish that.

  2. Started and finished Dragons Oath by PC and Kristen Cast which is part of a series I've been reading. It's always nice to catch up with old characters.


    Have now started One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I didn't know anything about this book when I started reading it but I'm doing OK so far about a quarter the way through.


    I've got to make the most of my time off work because I don't seem to be reading nearly as much these days!

  3. I've been out in the garden and have caught the sun which would have been fine if I wasn't wearing a racer back vest so I've got two sets of strap marks now!

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