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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. Yesterday was a day for finishing books. I managed to finish A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, Mr Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange and I also finished The Nations Favourite Poems. And by then it was time for bed. This brings my total books read this year to 7.


    So today I'm in the strange position of not being in the middle of a book. I'm not sure what to start next though but I have about seventy to choose from though so I'm sure I will find something!!!


    Today I will also be ordering some more thanks to suggestions from you guys :friends0:

  2. I ordered some books on 31st Dec and some more on 8th Jan, because of the bad weather the first package was held up and I ended up receiving them both yesterday!!!:lol:


    I am now the proud owner of -

    Bitten by Kelly Armstrong

    The Nations Favourite Poems

    The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

    Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

    1984 by George Orwell

    & The Harlequin by L K Hamilton (I should have stopped reading this series 2 books ago but what can I say, I'm not a quiter.)


    At the mo I am three quarters the way through A Short History of Nearly Everything and my brain feels like it might explode!

  3. Yup. Although in the later Anita Blake books she doesn't so much try to hunt them as get down and dirty with them. Theres some debate as to how far into the series it goes a bit pants, I guess it depends on how much naughty stuff you can put up with in a book. I didn't start getting disallusioned until number 12.

  4. Have finished Cell by Stephen King. I was suprised by how much I enjoyed it, the ending was a bit disappointing though.


    Finished The Winner by David Baldacci. I didn't love it, it was really slow in the biggining and I think that put me off.


    Have just started The History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, I'm just about following it so far.


    @Ned - Let me know how Cujo is I have this in my TBR pile.


    I went second hand shopping Saturday and there was a sale on in one of the shops, 4 books for

  5. I've only been on here a couple of days and alreay you guys are a bad influence. So many ideas for books to read, so little money to buy them!


    I want to try and reduce my TBR and get some Classic's under my belt.

    (I just spent 2 minutes trying to figure out how to spell Litrature lol I've been relying on spell check for far too long!)


    I would also try some new authers as I'm currently running out!

  6. Oh no poor you Frankie!!! What are you going to do?


    @Ned - I'm half way through Cell so far and it's doing OK. It's actually pretty fast paced for a Steven King. Although I am left not quite knowing what is going on some of the time but I think it's supposed to be like that!


    Oops! The Winner is by David Baldacci not Beducci like I said in my last post. :D

  7. I'm currectly reading Cell by Steven King and The Winner by David Beducci (sp).


    I'm waiting for 3 books to arrive from Amazon but I think they've been delayed due to all the snow:cry2:


    I got a few for Christmas too and they were:


    Sense and Sensability and Sea Monsters (have already read this one)


    The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Attwood (I've read this before but I wanted a shiny new copy)


    and I also recieved Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett.


    So in my opinion a good haul

  8. I'm making Chicken Noodle for the first time tonight! So wish me luck!


    My OH wanted to make Brocoli and Stilton soup last night and he asked me if I had a recipe, I went trawling through the many I own and not one had the recipe. He ended up iprovising and apparently it was very nice. I wouldn't know - I don't even like Brocoli and Stilton soup!

  9. It's only 8:22am here so the only new things I've learned today so far are from reading this thread! Thanks guys :).


    It's ten past three where I am and I've been to work and still the only new things I have learnt today are from this thread!!!

  10. Thanks everyone for giving me such a warm welcome!:D

    I hope to get to know all of you better real soon.


    TeamEdward - I've read the True Blook Series it's brilliant! Have you tried the Anita Blake books? They're worth a try.


    Bigwords - I haven't heard of the film before, I will get my BF on to it, he's better at that sort of thing than I am!

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