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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. The Inbetweeners made me laugh so hard I nearly fell of the sofa the last time I watched it (I've rewatched the DVD's 3 times now.)


    The True Blood series is really good, and The Vampire Diaries are coming on the TV soon and they might be worth a watch.

  2. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are up there on my favourites list.


    Also, Harry Potter series, Discworld series ( Terry Pratchett I Love You!) I really enjoyed Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.


    Then there's Twilight, the Southern Vampire series and anything by Jasper Fforde.


    Would The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy be fantasy or sci-fi?

  3. I could spend hours in a book shop without even realising it! My mom actually refuses to go into them with me! My OH get impatient with me too that's one of the reasons I like shopping on line because you can take ages and no one even knows. Although I prefer the atmosphere of a bookshop especially Waterstones which is designed more like an old library than a shop.

  4. I have often wanted to have a chat with someone on public transport about a book they are reading but never really have the guts to do so! There should be a symbol for "come talk to me about my book if you really want to!", like a certain type/colour of book mark protruding from the book. :D Would get the reading community closer!


    Yes, like a traffic light system -


    Red- Leave me alone and don't even look at my book.


    Amber- You can look but don't chat.


    Green- Come talk to me I'm everyones friend!

  5. Apologies if theres another thread but I couldn't find it.


    I've only read The Merlin Conspiracy by this auther but really enjoyed it.


    Has anyone else read anything by her and if so what recomendations would you give for me to read next by her?


    Thanks in advance:D

  6. I agree with the trying to see what other people are reading. I'm just nosy! Plus I like to see if it's a book I've read or not. I think I've nearly damaged my eyes trying to look before!


    Me too, and yet when I'm out in public I don't really like other people to look at mine. I always feel that if I'm reading a classic people will look at me and think I'm showing off and yet weirdly if I'm reading anything too popular then I'm too embarassed for people to see! I can't win!

  7. I don't know how weird I'm being here but does anybody have a bit of a crush on Jasper? I met him yesterday and he had this whole glasses half down the nose thing going on.


    Am I confusing my enjoyment of his work with a love of his face? It's never happened before, but there's always a first time!:welcome:

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