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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. Summary of 13 Ghosts:


    Arthur and his two children, Kathy and Bobby, inherit his Uncle Cyrus's estate: a glass house that serves as a prison to 12 ghosts. When the family, accompanied by Bobby's Nanny and an attorney, enter the house they find themselves trapped inside an evil machine "designed by the devil and powered by the dead" to open the Eye of Hell. Aided by Dennis, a ghost hunter, and his rival Kalina, a ghost rights activist out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.

  2. We've got the Book People coming in again today. Now the question is ... do I sit tight and strap myself to my desk or do I make a short trip to our reception area and have a look - it's a no brainer really:lol: I'll let you know what I buy (if any).:(


    We had them in our building yesterday but I managed to avoid buying anything! :D

  3. Your first paragraph makes me think strongly of The Dark Visions trilogy by L. J. Smith. This includes The Strange Power, The Possessed and The Passion. It's a series about 5 teens with gifts who are taken (at first willingly) to a house where doctors can help them learn to use their powers. There was the girl who drew the future, the boy who could heal, one who spoke to animals, one who was telekinetic and one who was a physic vampire. They soon learn that something isn't right and try to escape.


    This series sounds interesting, I think I might be adding this to the TBR bookshelf in the near future!

  4. I try to read the reviews in the middle because I feel they are likely to be a more rounded overview. I used to read the bad ones but I now discount a lot of them because they usually don't contain very good reviews they just say something like "it's rubbish" and that's it which I don't consider to be very helpful. Funnily enough I rarely read the five star reviews either because I find them too gushing and it's very rare that you find the perfect book.

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