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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. Last night's Eastenders. The only soap I can stand to watch anymore :(


    He he he my OH watched an advert for it and it said watch out for someone you know, and he watched the whole hour long show waiting to see someone who hasn't been on there for a long time. By the end he was like 'there wasn't anyone new on it!' only to realise the advert was for the sing-a-long at the end!:giggle: You should have seen his face!

  2. had to draw a line when our builder told us the weight of the books could be damaging the structure of the building.


    I generally read several books at once and go through about 10 a week.


    WOW! :D

    & Impressed!:D And you still have time for a job? I thought I did well last month when I read 12 in a month!

  3. I love the cover to The Stand, but the limited edition's price tag is a bit steep. It was advertised, back when it came out, on the back of an issue of Skeleton Crew magazine, and I debated whether to buy it or not. I'm kicking myself that I didn't spend the money back then...


    That is a beautiful book!


    I really like Diana Wynn Jones's book covers they're so bright and pretty, I can't help but have a look example: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Enchanted-Glass-Diana-Wynne-Jones/dp/0007320787/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266479813&sr=8-1

  4. Books Quarterly is pretty good, you can get it from Waterstone's for a few pounds (if you're in the UK, that is) but it's free if you have a Waterstone's card which is also free, so how can you lose :D?


    When I last went in Waterstones I paid and showed my card and I didn't get a magazine! Do you have to be signed up for a certain amount of time or have to ask for it or anything? Or have I been diddled?

  5. I finished Bitten and it was really good. I just loved Ellena she's definately a lady you don't want to mess with! Will be getting the next one in the series soon.


    My sister's leant me a true story called How Could She? and I don't think I want to read it, stuff like that always makes me cry.


    I will read some more Poe tonight I think.

  6. Apart from the occasional Waterstone's bookseller, everyone I've ever tried striking up a literary conversation with in a bookshop has looked at me as if I were mental :D maybe I should get a t-shirt done that says 'TALK TO ME ABOUT BOOKS' or something, so the people who do want to talk about books but are afraid of being taken for people who are mental would know I'd never think such a thing... what d'you guys reckon?


    'Waste' and 'books' don't belong in the same sentence :( remember what Desiderius Erasmus, quirky theologian of genius, said all those centuries ago: 'When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.'


    I think all bookie people should have that t-shirt!!!


    :lol:at that quote!

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