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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. For me it is safe exploration of the darkness within that ends with resolution of sorts. Crime - investigation - threat eliminated, or variations of the same.


    In 'Thrones, Dominations' co written by Dorothy L Sayers and Jill Paton Walsh, Lord Peter Wimsey, when speaking to his now wife about her writing of detective stories,





    Detective stories contain a dream of justice. They project a vision of a world in which wrongs are righted, and the villains are betrayed by clues that they did not know they were leaving. A world in which murderers are caught and hanged, and innocent victims are avenged, and future murder is deterred.

    and later,



    Detective stories keep alive a view of the world which ought to be true.

    I can read the grittiest story of murder, and then read on as the hero / heroine faces the daunting task of figuring out who did it, then bringing them to some form of justice. If I'm lucky then everything gets tied up neatly at the end. :smile:
    I think this sums it up for me too. The bad guys get what's coming to them and everyone lives happily ever after (sort of)
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