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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. I think I'm this one :giggle:


    The Multi-Tasker. This is the nice way of saying you are a promiscuous reader, but it's not that you don't finish reads. Instead, you just have a sort of hippie reading way about you, free love or some such. You might start the day out with a few pages from one novelist, then read something entirely different on the subway, and when you come home from work, another work as well. Your bedtime read, too, might be different, and all in all, when you count up the books, you've got quite a lot of irons in the fire all at the same time. Do you confuse characters or plots? Do you give more attention to some books than to others? Perhaps. The point is, you're not ready for a book commitment just yet, and you're doing a brilliant job dating them all in the meantime. Suggested multi-tasking reads: Short story and essay collections, novellas.

  2. Like roast chicken but tired of dry breasts?




    Stick a can of lager up it's bum!


    Seriously! Open the can of lager and sit the chicken on it and cook standing up in the oven.


    The breast was lovely and tender and you could hardly taste the Carling.


    Gino DeCampo did it so it must be good! :smile:

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