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Posts posted by Cookie


    Gojira were superb last night, they really suited the venue as well.



    I will be seeing these in March with Ghost and The Defiled. I've not really listened to them before so will have to have a look on You Tube before the gig to see what I think.


    The Manson/Zombie gig was good - Zombie was AMAZING...moving machines and dancing giant puppets meant the stage show was great and the music was bang on as well!!

  2. I finished A Casual Vacancy. I kind of enjoyed it but for most of it I wondered where it was going and I still didn't really know by the end.


    I've also finished The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho which I enjoyed at the time but can't seemed to recall anything that happened in it after!


    Trying to decide what to read next.


    It doesn't look like I'm going to hit my target of 100 books this year. So far I'm on 86 so not even close. Oh well...better luck next year. :smile:

  3. I've been to a few this year. The most recent was Motorhead and Anthrax in Wolverhampton.


    Went to London recently and got to be at a live recording of The Defiled's album which was really good.


    I'm also going to see Rob Zombie/Maralyn Manson at the NEC at the end of the month and I've never seen either of them so I'm really looking forward to it!!!

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