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Status Updates posted by Chrissy

  1. It's been such a long time since you were last here Vinay. I hope all is well and happy with you. Have a lovely birthday. :)

  2. Just saw what the day was! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have been enjoying a lovely day. X

    1. Virginia


      Thank you Chrissy! I've spent the better part looking for a house and traveling back home but I won't complain, its a good day!

  3. Long time no 'see'. I hope all is well 'n' good with you. Have a great birthday. X


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Inver


      Merry belated Christmas felicitations


    3. Athena


      Merry Christmas!!

    4. karen.d


      Merry Christmas!


    1. Athena


      Merry Christmas!

    2. Inver


      and to you my lovely friend

    3. anisia


      Merry Christmas!

  6. Muggle Not, where for art thou? I feel as if I haven't 'seen' you in ages. X

  7. My goodness, how long has it been? Happy Birthday! Have a great day. : )

  8. Not seen you on the forum for a while, but I wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Birthday for the 17th. I'll be away then, so wanted to get my wishes in early. : )

  9. Oh Reading Mojo - Where art thou? It's been so long since I spent time with you. *sigh*

  10. Oh Reading Mojo - Where art thou? It's been so long since I spent time with you. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mac


      I thought I'd brighten it up for you!

    3. Inver


      I'm on a bit of a go slow too Chrissy, think it might just be the book though

    4. Chrissy


      I just wish my book buying would slow up at the same time! lol


  11. OMG! What kinda thang do you fink me and Popsicle have going on? LOL! Hugings are the best - therefore I leave lots and lots of hugs for you too XXXXXOOOOOXXXXX

  12. Our internet is currently wonky so won't be about too much, but may I wish you all a very very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Big Hugs and kisses to you all. XXX

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Inver


      Happy New Year Chrissy....x x x x

    3. Chrissy


      Wonky internet is fixed! Woo Hoo. Happy 2014 to us all. :)


    4. Devi


      Correction, happy 2014!

  13. R.I.P Sir Patrick Moore - now amongst the stars.

    1. Inver


      Sad to hear that news yesterday... :(

    2. ~Andrea~
    3. Tiger
  14. Rest In Peace Maya Angelou. An amazing and inspiring woman.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. poppy


      Amazing and courageous woman.

    3. Athena
    4. Warwick


      R.I.P. :( I remember reading a quotation of her on another website before I found out that she passed away.

  15. Sending you a big hug - just because. XXX

    1. Eleonora


      Awww you're so so sweet!! Thank you.

  16. Thinking of you both today. X

    1. Carelia


      thanks! was a great day! Now I wanna do it again! haha x

  17. Thinking of you. X

  18. Thought I would drop in and leave a hug or two. XXX

    1. Hayley


      Thank you :) that's really sweet x

  19. Thought I would pop in and leave a little box of hugs (and cookies), all tied up with a ribbon just for you. xxx

  20. Two long years without your kind words and healing spirit. I hope you have all you need in life Genevieve. X

  21. When do you head home Sean?

    1. itsmeagain


      Saturday it is, both myself and wife Ana,wish we could stay longer. People very friendly, and we are going to the beach tomorrow. Seen all the major sights,now too. Uf you want detailed help or advice nearer the time you may visit, just ask. It is a very confusing city fir tourists, no visible train or bus timetables, etc..have,a good night Chrissy.. Byee x

    2. Chrissy


      I would LOVE to hear more about your trip, and I will definitely ask for trip details when we (eventually) get ourselves 'Rome ready' in the next year or two! Enjoy your last day and evening, and safe journey home to you both. x

  22. Wishing every one a wonderful 2016.

  23. Wishing everyone Love, Light, Peace, Happiness, Good Health & Good Reading in 2017.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Athena


      I wish you the same things, Chrissy!

    3. anisia


      Have a great 2017! :)

    4. Inver


      ...and you Chrissy.x

  24. X-MWAH-X OOOOOOXXXXXX(((((((())))))

    1. poppy


      *giggle* I'm glad I'm conversant in hieroglyphics ....I had to look up the spelling though :D How are you fairy poppet? All of the X's and O's and ((( and ))) and MWAH's right back xxxxxx

    2. Chrissy


      S'okay Fanks. You?

  25. XXX Big hugs Kylie XXX

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