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Posts posted by BSchultz19

  1. Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult



    Love can redeem a man...but secrets and lies can condemn him.

    A handsome stranger comes to the sleepy New England town of Salem Falls in hopes of burying his past: Once a teacher at a girls' prep school, Jack St. Bride was destroyed when a student's crush sparked a powder keg of accusation. Now, washing dishes for Addie Peabody at the Do-Or-Diner, he slips quietly into his new routine, and Addie finds this unassuming man fitting easily inside her heart. But amid the rustic calm of Salem Falls, a quartet of teenage girls harbor dark secrets -- and they maliciously target Jack with a shattering allegation. Now, at the center of a modern-day witch hunt, Jack is forced once again to proclaim his innocence: to a town searching for answers, to a justice system where truth becomes a slippery concept written in shades of gray, and to the woman who has come to love him.

    (from goodreads)



    This is one of my new favorite Picoult books. It was less challenging on the mind with a specific issue at hand and seemed more like a real situation. Although some of it had you feeling bad for the main character because of how much bad had already happened to him and what happens throughout the book. It's so hard to believe that it has to be true. 


    While it didn't center around a specific hot button issue, it threw in some at different places in the story. For example rape, witches, wrongful accusations. I liked that it had a central story that was really well set up in the first half of the book before the actual court case was brought into the story. In some of her other books she doesn't establish the story quite as well as she did in this one, going all the way back to Jack's birth with flashbacks. I thought that was a fantastic writing choice showing the background behind Jack and his family. 


    The characters were all very well-developed and connected, as would be expected in a small town where very few people move away. There were some plot twists up until the very last paragraph (although I somewhat expected that one). I really liked how she managed to wrap all of the characters and their own backgrounds and personal journeys into one plotline that flowed wonderfully. 


    Another fun but basically meaningless aspect of this book was Jack's obsession with Jeopardy. Because of the ridiculous amount of questions he knew the answer to (or should it be answers he knew the question to :lol: ) he became one of the top on the pecking order while in jail. I just thought that was a fun thing she threw in there. 


    Also Jordan McAfee makes his return. He was in The Pact and one other book that I can't remember. 



    :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:

  2. Woohoo for celebratory shopping splurges!  :exc:


    I particularly like that you found season 1 of the office. It's often not sold around other box sets because it's not really a box set, just one DVD. I have seasons 1-4 and 6 (someone stole/I lost my season 5 :( ) and I'm hoping at some point to buy the rest. The ones I did buy were over half off at a Best Buy sale. Ok I've rambled about nothing... :blush2:

  3. I sometimes spend some time with the dogs :). It really depends on how I feel, whether it's being ill or my mental tiredness (or both), etc. What do you do?



    That makes sense, if you like I can look up which ones I enjoyed the most, though if people are correct and the trilogy, which is historical, is the best, that might be a good place to start too, however since I haven't read those yet myself, I couldn't give my own opinion. Yes, thanks :).


    P.S. I'll be posting a review now.


    I suppose I could start with the trilogy if that's what others recommend as the best. But if you want to look up and list some of your favorites that would be great too :) 

  4. :lol: Frankie that picture is a perfect description of The Great Gatsby. 


    I'm sorry to hear that you didn't like Walden. I was planning on reading it at some point because of the same reasons you mentioned for reading it, that it was so widely accepted as a great work, but I'm not sure if I'll even give it a try now. I'm not big on the naturalistic stuff when it gets really crazy. 

  5. Sounds like a very interesting book, but I think I would probably be more interested in her other books because I enjoy that historical aspect. I also get what you mean about being able to guess the plot twists after reading enough of the author's work because they follow some of the same patterns. 

  6. I shall go forth to your thread and read the review :)!


    I hope you find some nice books at the library :).


    I ended up not going because I didn't have a ride :( but I hope to go sometime this week. If not, I have already started two books. I'm reading Gray Mountain by Grisham on kindle and Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult as a physical book. 


    Glad you enjoyed it; it's one of Grisham's better ones. Have you seen the movie?



    I want to see it! I'm not sure where I will be able to find it as there aren't many movie rental places anymore and I doubt it is on redbox. Maybe I'll get lucky and netflix or hulu will have it. 

  7. Great review :)! I'm glad you enjoyed this book, I have it on my TBR (though I think I might start with The Client as that was always one of my favourite Grisham books when I was a young teenager). Anna tried to read A Time to Kill but she found the beginning disturbing if I recall it correctly.


    He's such a great writer. I have loved reading both books of his I've read. 


    Ya I found the story matter and the graphicness of it to be pretty hard to take (me, yet ha ha), plus all the courtroom stuff had me bored but I am glad you liked it, I had been looking forward to it for a long time.  Are you going to see the movie?  (Kevin Spacey, Matthew McConaughey and Samuel Jackson)?


    Yeah it was pretty graphic, but it kind of reminded me of To Kill A Mockingbird in small ways. The graphicness didn't really affect me. Not sure why :shrug:


    I actually didn't know there was a movie until I googled the title and then I looked at who was in it and was really interested. So I might see it if I can find it to rent somewhere. 


    Nice review.  :smile:  It makes me want to read it again, as it's been a while. Sycamore Row is marketed as the sequel to A Time to Kill, but it isn't really. It just features Jake Brigance, but is a completely different story and not as well written, in my opinion.


    I actually got Sycamore Row from the library a couple months ago and realized it was the second in a somewhat series so I bought and read this one first. I still plan on reading Sycamore Row and I hope I enjoy it more than you did.  :smile:

  8. A Time to Kill by John Grisham 



    The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young men. The mostly white town of Clanton in Ford County, Mississippi, reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle and takes justice into his own outraged hands.

    For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client’s life–and then his own.

    (from goodreads)



    This was a very interesting read that asked moral questions and discussed some historical "ickies" as I like to call them. The KKK becomes involved in this book and it just disgusts me that people can still think the way they do and use intimidation the way they do as well. While reading about the riots and protests I was reminded a lot of what it was like this summer in an area near me, Ferguson where there were riots about the death of a young black boy. I didn't agree with that particular case, but I found it interesting and sad that we are fighting the same battles today with racism that we fought 40-50 years ago and even further back than that. It feels like something should have gotten better during that time. 


    As for the story itself, it was a great plot line and I like the way that the narrator was omniscient and the reader got taken into all the secret little places that the main characters couldn't go, like the jury room as they made their deliberations. I thought that was a great way to present the story. The characters were great. Jake Brigance, the lawyer, is a very dynamic character that we get to see mature and face challenges throughout the book. Carl Lee Hailey, the one being charged with a crime, is another interesting character that a lot of people will be able to relate to in a way. I like that he makes his characters so real. 


    I think that I have grown to love court room dramas, so there will be more Grisham in my future. I love the quick dialogue that happens in the courtroom. It really puts you in the courtroom and keeps you excited. I literally couldn't and didn't put this book down for very long this weekend. Only to watch the occasional few episodes of Big Bang Theory as I ate my meals. 



    :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart:  :doowapstart: 

  9. I've seen photos of that lovely library before, but I didn't realise it was painted on the parking garage and not the library itself (although of course it makes sense now that you've mentioned it; otherwise how would people see out of the windows?! :doh:)


    I think we should start a movement to petition all of our councils and governments to cover up our ugly parking buildings with pictures of books. :)


    I didn't realize either until I saw it in person and I was like oh that's the library over there? And this is the parking garage? Hmmm... :lol:


    Yes! That would be a fabulous idea. I love that it makes such an ugly but necessary piece of architecture look pretty. 

  10. Thanks for the summary of the ending. I remembered the part where

    he goes back to 2011 after Kennedy still lived, and sees how it all deteriorated. That's the part I didn't like as I thought it was over the top. But I had forgotten that he went back to 1958 to reset it.



    Yeah that was the part that I wasn't fond of either. 


    It was such an exaggeration. Obviously a lot would change if Kennedy hadn't died, but I still don't think nuclear weapons would ever have been used. No matter who was elected President, they would understand the risks that came with it. I mean there's a reason that since 1945 ZERO atomic bombs have been dropped or fired. I thought it was a little funny that King chose to have Hillary become President though.


  11. This video is awesome.


    'The Seattle Public Library launched the 2013 Summer Reading Program by setting a new world record for the longest book domino chain!'



    That video is fantastic! I can't imagine how much work it took to design and actually put into reality that book domino chain. 


    How's this for a fantastic school library building? 




    That reminds me a lot of the Kansas City Public Library, which also has book covers painted on the outside of their parking garage




    As for our libraries here in Missouri, they are struggling. I don't think closure is ever a problem, but finding the funds to pay librarians and to buy new books is tough, which is why there is a strong Friends of Missouri Libraries group here which donates money and signs petitions to give our state legislature to convince them to continue funding our libraries. Currently our libraries are free and some even don't have late fees in the smaller towns. 

  12. I couldn't agree more about A Tale of Two Cities it was slow going for the first half of the book, but when it picked up it was hard to put down. And I was extremely sad in the end as well. I also think that from reading only a couple other Dickens, it is different from those others I have read. First off it is shorter and second it has a whole different feel to it. Not necessarily a style change, it just evoked more feeling than the others I've read. 

  13. Am enjoying The Moon Field, a book set around the time of WWI, one of my favourite eras for books.. A complete change from the magical world of Half Wild. I like to vary my books so I don't read anything too similar one after the other, does anyone else like to do that? :)


    I do most of the time, unless I find a new genre that I'm completely amazed by/interested in that I read a couple of those right in a row. A lot of the time I'm reading a book and it might have a hint of a different genre, which makes me want to read a book in that genre next  :smile:


    The Moon Field sounds interesting. I love books in that era as well  :D


    Thanks, I will keep this in mind :)!



    Thanks :), I think I will do that before I start the book.


    I'm glad you had fun on your Spring Break, BSchultz! I wish you, and Anna good luck with your finals! 


    Have fun with the prom, BSchultz!



    Yeah, good luck all round with finals. I do not envy ye one BIT!


    Thank you both of you! I really don't stress about finals, so it shouldn't be too bad  :smile:

  15. Nice review of 11/22/63. I didn't realise it was your first King, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. What did you think of the ending? I don't remember it exactly, but I recall not being keen on it.


    Yeah I thought it was a little weird. There were parts of it that I liked and parts I didn't. If you want, I put a basic summary of the ending in spoiler tags. 



    He goes back to 2011 to find that literally everything else has changed due to Kennedy not dying. Basically the nuclear crises we expected to happen for years and years actually did happen. Nuclear weapons were used repeatedly on America and by America on others. So he goes back to 1958 to try to do a reset. He wants to go find Sadie, but realizes that even that could change the world later on so he leaves her alone and goes back into 2011 again. Then he goes and finds the 80 something year old Sadie in Dallas and finds that she had a great life. They dance together.


  16. I went in a rented Altima one year and a 77 Pontiac one year (somehow I managed to go to FOUR promos :roll: ).  I hope prom is great!


    That sounds much harder than my final coming up :lol: Hopefully (we haven't received the assignment yet), it won't be too torturous, but you never know what they will throw out there, it could be an all in class timed research paper.  :unsure: (Let's hoping its not).


    This will be my third prom. Part of me just wants it to be over, but I also think it should be fun. 


    Yeah it won't be much fun especially because it is over everything we have learned the entire year. In Calculus that's not too bad because it all just kind of adds on what you know as you go, but Chemistry is a ton of stuff to know. I'm not going to stress myself out though. Just some tests :)

  17. Hopefully mine will just be a research paper (I currently only take an English course).  But I know they are out to get me with correctly citing my sources :irked:  Not only will I have a bad final, but I will also get a bad grade in the corresponding computer lab class that I must take.


    We try to go off season to avoid lines, it gets too hectic and too hot in So CA in the summer.  I guess the humidity can get you in FL but in Los Angeles, it can be 90-100F in the summer.  That's just too much for me, to stand in lines that are 2 hours.  All those sweaty people- gross :hide: But the off season is nice and we do like you, ride our favs, have a meal, walk around, window shop.  Then rest in our rooms or in the hot tub.


    Did you go to prom yet?  We were just mall shopping and my daughter (6 years old) had to check out all the dresses.  I guess prom is coming up here, but I know all schools are different, I never know til I see the rented Limousines.  :P


    God, that last sentence made me sound like I'm 80.  I promise I am not lol (not like there is anything wrong with that) *get off my lawn*


    My hardest finals are in college chemistry and college calculus. They're each 90 minutes and probably going to be very difficult. :(


    Yeah if we go in the summer typically we go in the early morning and late night (they open at 7 am sometimes and don't close until 1 or 2) to avoid younger children and families and we use fast passes for all our favorite rides. We hardly ever wait more than 10 minutes for anything. We have gone at really bad times recently, but they often go without me during not so busy times of the year. 


    I haven't gone to prom yet, it is a week from today. We don't rent limousines because we are all poor here :lol: but we do try to find fancier cars to take. 

  18. Having said I had no time to read, I stayed up til 2am last night to finish The Rosie Project! :o


    Not done that with a book for bloody ages. It felt great. Although less great when my alarm went off at 7am.


    Have the sequel but want to savour it, so now starting The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick. :)


    I'm glad you liked it! I had some of the same feelings while reading it, but I was able to resist and go to sleep. Those late nights and early mornings due to books are so bittersweet :lol:


    I really want to read The Man in the High Castle sometime soon! 

  19. I wonder if I can re-loan it to you.  I'd hate to have you pay for it, if I have it for free.  Can't wait to get your take on the end!  They should give it to you in my time zone, it'd give you an extra, what, 7-8 hours?? :giggle2:


    Well, you just wait lol  Although, you made it through the first page!


    I'm now 16% into World Without End... That'd be page 163 :lol: out of 1088.  Looking forward to some 50 page and less stories for next read a thon, as I think this epic is going to take most of the month!  That's ok though, I've sorta resigned myself into making this WWE month for me :readingtwo:


    Yeah I made it through the first five or so before going for breakfast and then wasting time on the internet :lol: but there is already some pretty umm.... not sure the right adjective for it.. gross? weird? stuff. 

  20. Ya, I'd agree... just read some basic stuff.  There is so much crazy Kennedy stuff out there, just read the Wiki summery and maybe the actual shooting/ assassination part of Wiki.


    I'm glad you liked it in the end, for some reason I didn't know this was your first King.  It is a good one to start if you don't like horror, but Different Seasons contains Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil and The Body (which became the movie Stand By Me).  The Green Mile also is so good and such a... commentary on our justice system, its startling.

    (BTW- The Green Mile was originally released as serialized fiction, coming out in parts :) )


    I'm glad you had a good time on Spring Break, it's nice you get to go to FL that often.  We try to get to Disneyland a few times a year (just so ridiculously expensive), as it is only 8-9 hours from here.  Although, I just burn in the sun :P My Spring Break ends on Monday- so sad.  Then its preparing for Finals in a few weeks!


    I'll have to look into those! I definitely liked his writing and like you said I don't like horror so I have to avoid those ones. 


    Yeah it's been great getting to go so often, there was a long break in time that I didn't get to go because they always planned their trips at times when I had school, but by the end of July I'll have gone three times in one year. It's really nice and we don't even necessarily spend a lot of time in the parks, just go on our favorite rides, maybe eat a meal and leave. A lot of the time is spent at the pool and that we don't spend a ton of money or time waiting in lines and eating park food. I'm so glad I don't burn in the sun :D I have Greek and Italien blood to go along with German and luckily the Mediterranean heritage shows in my skin tone.


    I have finals in five weeks :( Not looking forward to that

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