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Posts posted by BSchultz19

  1. I think it depends on the series. Just like a couple others, I read The Hunger Games all together. I think that series worked well because all the books were out at the time and it was such an exciting and cliff hanger storyline that I HAD to read the next one right away. I haven't felt the same way about every series I have read though. I took a 6 year break between book 4 and book 5 of Harry Potter. 


    I think you have to try out different things and see which you like best. 

  2. I loved this book, the surprise blew me away too. I didn't see it coming. Nicholas Sparks is a great writer and I hope to eventually own and read all of his books.


    I have almost read them all! I own quite a few. Only 3 or 4 left for me to read until I've read them all. At least until he writes another :)

  3. Nice to meet you and glad you have a desire to be a writer. What sort of things do you want to write about and what's keeping you from pursuing your dream? I'm a writer as well. have been writing since I was a teenager and greatly enjoy it. It's a great hobby. I love reading too.


    I like to write about anything, really. I think right now I'm stopped by having no inspirations on what to write; however, I plan to major in English/Journalism in college which should help me continue my dream. 

  4. I'm heading into my third year of high school and so far we have read:


    Romeo & Juliet 

    A Christmas Carol

    The Odyssey 

    The Pearl

    The Red Badge of Courage

    Animal Farm

    The Hiding Place

    Julius Caesar

    The Lord of the Flies

    To Kill a Mockingbird

    A Raisin in the Sun

    Twelve Angry Men

    Along with over 20-30 short stories that I don't remember all the titles of. 

  5. I loved the Harry Potter series. I read books 1-4 when I was ages 9-12 ish (don't really remember) and I just recently read books 5-7 in 2011. I was never a Potter geek, but it's one of those series that everyone knows and it's sort of a "must read". I thoroughly enjoyed reading all 7 books and might even go back and read them all again at some point. 

  6. It may be better than Twilight but I'm not sure it's amazing...I find Collin's prose to be one of the weakest parts of the novels.



    Definitely agree that I didn't want Mockingjay to end. People complain that oh, Prim's death wasn't given enough page time and I'm like, yeah - it's meant to be a realistic depiction of revolution. People die in the blink of an eye without grand spectacle.


    Definitely not amazing, but still better than Twilight. Most YA fiction that I've read isn't great writing. I am probably just reading the wrong books, but other than Harry Potter I haven't come across great writing for young adults. If anyone knows of any, please let me know. 

  7. I read all three in less than a month. As a young adult, I'd have to say this is the best YA series since Harry Potter. The writing is so much better than in Twilight (which I actually enjoyed) and the themes are so much more powerful. 


    I really love that she wasn't afraid to kill off the characters that people loved. Just like J.K. Rowling wasn't afraid to kill Lupin, Snape, Fred, etc. I'm not saying that's what makes a good book but it makes the book seem more real. It was sad when I finished Mockingjay because I didn't want it to be over. Well written and a great read! :)

  8. I have read To Kill a Mockingbird twice. Once when I was 12 or 13 and it pretty much all went over my head. I just recently read it again this past year and I loved it. The two plots come together perfectly at the end. It's a great novel that shows the terrible racism in the south during the 1800s.


    In regards to it being banned in many schools, my school wanted to ban it because of some of the language and because it dealt with rape but my English teacher insisted that we were allowed to read the book. 

  9. Hello! :welcome2:


    What are you reading at the moment? :readingtwo: 



    Currently reading Les Miserables and Best of Me which is a Nicholas Sparks book (his most recent)


    Welcome here :)! I quite like Nicholas Sparks' books. I have read three of them, with another five on my shelves. The rest is on my wishlist. Do you have a favourite?


    I have three that I really love. True Believer/At first sight which is a two part story, Safe Haven, and A Bend in the Road but I haven't read one I didn't like yet!

  10. Hello there!


    I found this forum while reading a blog and since I love message boards and reading I thought it would be a perfect fit. I am a 16 year old about to enter my junior year of high school. I have always loved reading. I started reading around 3-4 and never stopped. When I was 7 years old I decided I was going to be a writer. I still have that same dream today. Some of my favorite types of books are Nicholas Sparks books, classics, and anything packed with adventure. 



  11. I'm 16 and I love reading classics. It takes me to another place in time and lets me see what the world was like. Recently I have been reading a lot of Dickens. And it's incredibly interesting how he includes a lot of history in books like Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities. 


    Another reason I love classics is because I'm intrigued why these certain books have lasted the test of time. There must be something great inside them that makes them so famous after all these years. When I read classics I try to find that "something great".

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