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Posts posted by BSchultz19

  1. Don't you hate hen that happens ? Are you able to renew them or do you have the 2 week time limit on them all ?

    I can renew them. I'm not sure how many times I'm able to renew. I think I've done 6 weeks at once while I was gone. It's a small town library so they are pretty lenient about that kind of thing. 


    I'm just glad I'm using the library. When I go to the bookstore, I'm the same way except the books cost me money!  :giggle2:

  2. It depends on which ones you read. Not all of them are horror - think of The Shawshank Redemption for instance. :smile: He writes a pretty wide range of novels....I'm sure there will be something you'd enjoy, rather than be scared by. :readingtwo:



    I would sugest Shawshank Redemption also The Green Mile or 11/22/63.  Nothing scary :smile:  His latest, Mr. Mercedes was good too.


    Regarding The Invisible Ones, have you read King's Thinner?  That one is a tad scary, but really good. 

    Thank you! I will check those out  :smile:

  3. I'm thinking of getting a disc with sounds of the sea on it. I do like some background noise when I read .. to help block out more intrusive noises. I can't listen to anything with words in it though .. I get jumbled and start following the song instead of the story  :blush2: Similarly I can't read with the TV on. I usually listen to classical music if anything but waves lapping the shore would be brilliant. I found it relaxing reading on the beach on holiday .. I especially like the lemonade fizz noise the sea makes after the waves have crashed. I will look into it (I wonder if I put 'lemonade fizz type noise' into Amazon it'll know what I mean?  :blush2:  :D) Might be good for bedtime too. I usually always listen to something to help stop thoughts  :blush2:  :D 

    ME TOO! I can't read while listening to music with words, because I end up not reading anymore. Or with people talking. It becomes a problem with I have my windows open on nice days because the outside noise is so distracting. Maybe I will try sea noises, although that might make me have to go to the bathroom  :giggle2:

  4. The Drawing of the Three - Stephen King


    This is the second book in The Dark Tower series, and a re-read for me. It’s a long time since I read the series, so it’s almost like reading it for the first time.


    The book starts mere hours after The Gunslinger, with Roland walking up on the beach. After being attacked and injured by lobster-like creatures – ‘lobstrosities’ – he makes his way down the beach. Along the beach, he finds three doors (not all at once, but throughout the novel). Each door takes him to New York, but at a different time, and leads him to people who are key to his quest to find the Dark Tower.

    This book really sets the stage for the start of Roland’s journey to his Dark Tower. I really enjoyed this, a lot more than The Gunslinger (which I struggled with). This one seemed to have a bit more coherence, and I think having some ‘modern’ characters - like Eddie Dean - made the story more enjoyable to me, as Roland is still a bit of a mystery. The book is divided into three sections - each one covering Roland's trip through the door, and his developing relationship with the people he finds there.


    The Dark Tower itself is a mystery, but that doesn't matter here, as the story is setting a background for each of the people who accompany Roland on his quest.


    It was enjoyable to read it again, and I had forgotten significant chunks of it. I remember the next two books (especially Wizard and Glass) as being my favorite, so I look forward to reading those ones again.



    I keep hearing great things about Stephen King's books and want to read them, but then I remember that I'm a scaredycat and would totally have nightmares for a week after reading one of his books.  :blush2:  :unsure: 

  5. I haven't posted in a long time, so I can't quite remember if I'm forgetting any books that I've read or not. 


    Since my last post I have read:

    Four, which is the new Divergent companion novel. It's four different short stories from Four's point of view. It was an interesting read because it followed the same plot (somewhat) as the series, but told it from a different point of view. I LOVE books that tell he different points of view from each character (one of the reasons that I loved reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series), so this book was great. 


    An Abundance of Katherines I have read three other John Green books and loved all of them. This one did not disappoint. It might actually put up some tough competition with Looking for Alaska as my favorite John Green book mostly because it involved a lot of math and nerdiness, which I love. 


    The Storyteller I've always heard good things about Jodi Picoult, but had never read any of her books. When I was at the bookstore recently, I saw this book and decided to pick it up. It was a great book. It's about the holocaust is as much as I can say without giving away too much of the story, but it was amazing. I always appreciate books about tough subjects more because they must be so hard to write. Picoult nailed it. 


    I've been struggling my way through Moby Dick for awhile now. I hope to finish it before the summer is over. I've also been reading A Dance with Dragons and A Farewell to Arms

  6. What a great idea!  Do you ever go back through and just absorb all the delicious quotes you've found?  


    I'm a bit of a word nerd.  I keep a word journal that contains new words I've come across or old words that I forgot I knew.

    Sometimes I go back and read through some of them amazed by the brilliance of the writers and their way with words. 

  7. I just finished reading A Clash of Kings, but I realized that it would be nearly impossible to even write a review without spoilers. But I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes from the book. 


    "Here, then. Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less." -Varys


    "A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough . . . and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all" -Cersei


    "Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same." -Cersei 

  8. Currently partially through three books. Pride & Prejudice, This Side of Paradise, and A Storm of Swords.


    I'm on spring break right now so I am hoping to at least get through A Storm of Swords and maybe a little further into P&P. I'm just so hooked on the A Song of Ice and Fire series right now. 

  9. A Walk to Remember

    "There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well. So I take the memories as they come, accepting them all, letting them guide me wherever I can."


    I absolutely loved this book and read it in two days, although it is quite different from the movie which I also love. 


    Favorite Character

    Landon is my favorite character. Who else would it be? The changes he goes through in the book show such maturity in him and his friends. I love how real the character is. He has a lot of flaws, but the good inside of him shines through. 


    Favorite part

    The end. I know the ending is sad, but I love how real it is and the emotion in it. 


    First book in genre or by author?

    No and no. I love Nicholas Sparks and this is one of the many books of his that I have read. Unlike a lot of the books he has recently published, the ending isn't super predictable. He does foreshadow a bad event, but the reader has no idea until it is actually revealed. 


    Hard parts?



    Overall, was the book enjoyable?

    Yes, I LOVED reading it. 



  10. A Game of Thrones

    "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die"


    I really enjoyed this book despite how lengthy it is. It was full of action and exciting turns and twists. I think it's hard for an author to keep a reader's interest for 800 pages, but Martin has done a great job in this book. I finished the final chapter of the book and immediately set out on trying to find the next book. I can't wait to read A Clash of Kings


    For the rest of this review and in my reviews in the future, I'm stealing the reading circle questions :)


    My favorite character

    Bran was definitely my favorite character. The first chapter of the book was from his perspective and I fell in love right away. A boy full of adventure who is also soft and sweet on the inside. 


    Favorite Part

    I honestly enjoyed most of the book. The beginning was a little slow because the author had to introduce characters and start the plot, but after that there was action in almost every page. I think that's why I enjoyed this book so much. It was hard to put down because no matter where I left off, I was in the middle of some kind of action or conflict. 


    First book in genre/by author?

    This is one of the first books I have read in the fantasy/sci-fi genre and the first book I have read by George RR Martin. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it when I started the book because it seemed so out of my normal reading box. I was pleasantly surprised when I read the book because it was a very good book. I will definitely be reading more of Martin and this genre in the future. 


    Any Struggles?

    I didn't particularly struggle with any part, but as I mentioned before the beginning was a little slow. 


    Overall, was the book a good experience?



    One of my favorite quotes from the book:

    "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you"




  11. That makes sense because on Kindle, there are like 4 of them that look like they all came out at once but they are only like 80 pages each.  So maybe she thought a nearly 400pg book all written from Four's (I have his real name) perspective would be too much?

    Something like that. Or the first one came out and she decided that the next three combined with the first would create another whole book. I think a physical book with all four short stories is coming out...Not 100% on that though. 

  12. I finally semi-cleaned my little shelf at school, so I figured I would show it off. It's only a few of my books since I am very limited in space. Also, my movies are in there. The random awkward splitting of my shelf in the middle is because I used my phone's panoramic camera and I must have shaky hands :D



  13. Ya I'm interested in that too.  I'm a little conflicted and on the fence about it though- I just read the triolgy at Christmas, so I am actually still going through them in my head!  I really got into them.  The Four short stories are REALLY short- I might give them a go next, in time for the movie on March 21st :P

    They're short? I thought I read on her blog that she released them later than expected because they were longer than she expected them to be. Maybe I read it wrong...

  14. Well, the movie is coming out, so there is a resurgence there with the trilogy.  It looks really good and it is made by the  same production company as Hunger Games. 


    I agree with your point she could've ended it in book two, but I did like Allegiant, even if it had some gaps and was a bit scattered.  I liked the controversial point of view too.  I hope I'm not giving too much away, I found a light spoiler about the book I'm reading now on the forum and it's kinda ruined it for me!

    I agree about the point of view. I liked that switch for the last book. I am interested in reading the Four short story series because they are all in his point of view. 

  15. I thought it was a bit rushed too, but really, how much more of that would have been interesting.  One of the things I liked about this book is its brevity and... easiness of it all (for lack of a better word) 

     I agree. I'm not sure if there was a better way to finish out the series. I think they could have ended the series in book two, though. Book three was a lot different than the other two and seemed unnecessary. Things could have been added and taken away from Insurgent to make it work. But for some reason the trilogy is popular right now. 

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